Your Health

June is National Men’s Health Month

June 13, 2023 — Tonya Hayes

June is National Men’s Health Month, so all month long we’ll be providing you with information on how you can live a healthier life including tips for healthier living and what regular screenings you should get.

Facts About Men’s Health

  • 350,000 men die of cardiovascular disease each year (CDC).
  • More than 700,000 men are diagnosed with cancer each year; 300,000 of those cases will result in death (Men’s Health Resource Center).
  • 230,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year.

Iron Road cares about men’s health, annual physical exams and vaccinations are covered at 100% in network with no out-of-pocket costs.

CDC supports screening for colorectal (colon) and lung cancers as recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. This “cheat sheet” lists the different types of cancer screenings that are available to men. But remember, there is more to your health than just cancer screenings. Yearly exams give you the opportunity to talk to your doctor about your family health history and ask about tests you may need for other diseases or conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or cholesterol. For more information on Men’s Health and statistics Visit the CDC website CDC Men’s Health Statistics for more information

Topics: Your Health

Written by

Tonya Hayes

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