Your Benefits


May 16, 2024 — Jill Lanagan

Mental health issues, by definition, can impede your desire and willingness to find help. It may be hard to visualize when things are rough but there is help available. Reach out to those who love and care for you. Reach out to your Doctor and clergy. There are also local Mental Health America offices and crisis centers.  

If you’ve never seen a mental health provider you may not know how to find one that meets your needs. Providers that treat mental health conditions generally have at least a masters degree. Some may specialize in areas such as depression, alcohol or drug misuse, or family therapy. They may work in a private practice or hospital, for a community agency, or at another facility

There are many types of mental health providers. Check out the list below to help identify them. .    

  • Psychiatrist – a physician who specializes in mental health. This type of doctor may further specialize in areas such as child and adolescent, geriatric, or addiction psychiatry. This provider can identify and treat mental health conditions and prescribe medicine. A psychiatrist also can offer talk therapy, sometimes called psychotherapy. 
  • Psychologist – science that deals with thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Typically, a psychologist holds a doctoral degree, such as a Ph.D. or Psy.D. This provider offers different types of talk therapy. In the U.S., most psychologists are not licensed to prescribe medicine. But they may work with another provider who can prescribe medicine if needed.
  • Psychiatric mental health nurses – A psychiatric mental health nurse (P.M.H.N.) is a registered nurse (R.N.) with training in mental health issues. A psychiatric mental health advanced-practice registered nurse (P.M.H.-A.P.R.N.) has at least a master’s degree in psychiatric mental health nursing.
  • Physician assistant – A physician assistant (P.A.) practices medicine as a                                  primary care provider or works together with a physician. Physician assistants can specialize in psychiatry. They can identify and treat mental health conditions. They also can counsel on causes, treatments and outlook. A physician assistant can prescribe medicine.
  • Other providers include licensed clinical social workers, licensed professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists.

Besides finding someone who is well qualified, you also want a professional who specializes in treating problems similar to those you have. You should ask what their treatment approach and philosophy are. Check if they specialize by age group or a particular disorder. Check fees, lengths of sessions, insurance coverage and availability in case of an emergency. Ask friends and family or another health care provider for a recommendation. Check your insurance company for a provider list.

Covered visits for Iron Road AssociatesUrgent Care + Behavioral Health

You have access to Doctor On Demand’s Urgent Care + Behavioral Health. Urgent Care is available within minutes, behavioral health appointments average a few days—but patients can use urgent care for urgent mental health issues and get a referral within the app to behavioral health.





And if you’re tired of waiting weeks for a therapy or psychiatry appointment?
We now have more in-network appointments available, with same-day
or next-day availability in many states


Written by

Jill Lanagan

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