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Checking the “oil” and kicking the “tires” 

September 4, 2024 — Jill Lanagan

Our prostate cancer awareness month carries on with some things you can look for, and things you can do to reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Remember our previous blog mentioned there are often no symptoms of prostate cancer, in the early stages. Advanced cancer may cause signs and symptoms as listed below. 

Our prostate cancer awareness month carries on with some things you can look for, and things you can do to reduce your risk of prostate cancer. Remember our previous blog mentioned there are often no symptoms of prostate cancer, in the early stages. Advanced cancer may cause signs and symptoms as listed below. 

Difficulty starting urination. 
Weak or interrupted flow of urine.
  Urinating often, especially at night
Trouble emptying the bladder completely. 
Pain or burning during urination
Blood in the urine or semen.
Pain in the back, hips, or pelvis that doesn’t go away.
Painful ejaculation. 
  Keep in mind that these symptoms may be caused by conditions other than prostate cancer.

There are some contributing factors you can’t change such as age, race, and genes, however there are several things you CAN change to reduce risk of prostate cancer, such as diet and lifestyle.  

1.Improve Your Diet. … Eat at least 2 ½ cups fruits & veggies 
2. Maintain a Healthy Weight. … Consume less animal fat-Eat more fish 
3. Get Regular Exercise. … 30 mins a day most days of the week 
4. Stop Smoking and Drink Less. …
5. Increase Your Vitamin D. … 
6. Stay Sexually Active.

Other helpful hints are drinking coffee (check with your doctor about how much is right for you without risk of irregular heartbeat and seizures) Eat tomatoes and other red foods which contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene.  Add citrus to your diet, but if you take medications check with your doctor that grapefruit doesn’t mix with any medications you may be taking.    

Don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor with any concerns or questions you may have. 

Find your benefits regarding prostate testing and cancer treatments at   

Written by

Jill Lanagan

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