Your Benefits

The Importance of taking care of Your Mental Health

May 28, 2024 — Jill Lanagan

You may not always notice it, but your mental health has just as big of an impact on your well-being as your physical health. Good mental health leads to a happier, more fulfilling life. When our mental health is in a good state, we can enjoy the little things in life more fully. We can find joy in everyday activities, have better relationships with our loved ones, and feel more optimistic about the future. There are several benefits of taking care of your mental health, and we can train ourselves to be intentional about caring for it.

It affects your brain and cognitive functioning: just like poor physical health can affect your heart and gut, poor mental health can affect the way your brain works. It impacts our perceptions, thinking, memory, reasoning, and problem—solving.

Your mental health also affects the rest of your physical health. Your brain is part of your body. Mental illness is the root cause of many physical symptoms.” For example, if you’re experiencing sleep disturbances, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, gastric issues, muscle aches, heart palpitations or racing heart, your doctor will want to rule out depression, anxiety, or other mental conditions as a potential cause.” The American Heart Assoc even released a statement recommending that depression be considered a risk factor poor outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

It can help you build resilience better equipping you to handle challenges, setbacks, and life transitions. It can impact how you socialize and develop positive and meaningful relationships with others. How you communicate, establish healthy boundaries, and empathize with others.

Ways to Care for Your ​​Mental Health

  • Get Regular Exercise-just 30 mins of walking every day can boost mood, reduce anxiety, depression, and improve self-esteem. It adds up too! If you can’t do 30 mins at a time do smaller amounts until it adds up. Your IronRoad Healthcare offers you Real Appeal at no extra cost to eligible members.
  • Make sleep a priority-Sleeping helps to repair and restore our brains, not just our bodies. During sleep we can process information, consolidate memories, and undergo several maintenance processes that help us to function during the daytime.
  • SET GOALS & PRIORITIES-Goals give us a clear sense of direction and purpose and help to channel our thoughts and energy towards a specific outcome. It helps us focus and provides motivation. It strengthens personal growth and professional success.
  • Practice Gratitude-Yes! It can help! Feelings of gratitude can regulate cortisol production in your brain and reduce anxiety and stress.  Like giving,  gratitude triggers the brain to release neurotransmitters and hormones associated with happiness, including dopamine and serotonin. Low levels of these hormones can cause
  • Stay Connected-When we are socially connected and have stable and supportive relationships, they are more likely to make healthy choices and to have better mental as well as physical health outcomes. It also helps us to better cope with hard times, stress, anxiety, and depression.  

                                       WAYS TO UP YOUR SOCIAL CONNECTIVITY

  • Spend more quality time with family and friends.
  • Join a group, club, or class related to an interest or hobby (books, art, sports)
  • Spend time with others in nature
  • Express gratitude to others
  • Volunteer with an organization                                                

You can find your mental healthcare benefits at or (800) 547-0421     

Written by

Jill Lanagan

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